Mauro Paissan
Founding Partner | Development & Communication
Born in 1973, I was born in Trento. I am an entrepreneur in the marketing, communication and IT information technology sectors, and I work as a consultant in marketing, business and territorial development, tourism.
Since 2000 I have worked in the world of media, information and communicationat the service of institutions, associations, public administration, public and private companies.
Since 2009 I have been President of Paissan & Partners, communications and marketing agency based in Trento (Trentino – Alto Adige) and operating in Northern Italy and on the international market (Switzerland, Europe and the United States of America).
Since 2016 I have been Chairman of Paissan & Partners GmbH, communications and marketing agency based in Zurich (Switzerland) and operating in Switzerland and on the international market (Europe and United States of America).
In 2016, dealing with issues and activities related to credit with specific delegation in Confesercenti del Trentino, I was elected by the shareholders’ meeting to the board of directors of Confidi Trentino Imprese and subsequently from June 2019 elected Deputy Vice President by the board in May 2022.
In 2019 I founded the Paissan Group project, a network of companies and professionals specialised in consultancy and services to small and medium-sized businesses, in the strategic, marketing, communication, information technology and innovation fields. A selected series of partner companies, professionals and professional firms operate under the Paissan Group brand in a coordinated manner. The objective of the project is to bring together small and medium-sized businesses and professionals that offer consultancy and services to businesses and that share the founding values and vision of the Paissan Group project, < /span>to make the services provided to customers stronger in terms of quality, production capacity and continuity.
Since 2021 I have been a partner, responsible for strategy and commercial development of Netfruit Srl, an Information Communication Technology and technological innovation consultancy and services company based in Trento (Trentino – Alto Adige) and which operates in Northern Italy.
Some stages of my professional, entrepreneurial and institutional representation journey
- 2003 – 2004: Specialization in budget analysis and corporate management control.
- 2008: specialization in Neuro Linguistic Programming.
- 2009-2010: TSM Master (University of Trento) in Destination Management and Marketing.
- 2009-2010: First level Master’s degree A.D.A. Italy in Hotel Economics and Management.
- 2010-2011: Second level Master’s degree A.D.A. Italy in Hotel Economics and Management.
- Since 2009 – President of Paissan & Partners Srl, Italian web and creative agency.
- Since 2016 – Chairman of the board of Paissan & Partners GmbH, web und Kreativagentur switzerland.
- Since 2019 – Main Partner and founder of Paissan Group.
- 2005 – 2018: Member of the Trentino Alto Adige journalists’ association.
- Since 2010: Member of A.D.A. (Hotel Managers Association) and registered in the ADA Italia register of hotel managers.
- From 2013 to 2023: Member of Rotary International – Club of Trento – district 2060.
- Since 2013: President of Confservizi Confesercenti del Trentino.
- From 2015 to 2022: Deputy Vice President of Confesercenti del Trentino, with responsibility for credit and procurement matters.
- From 2016 to 2019: administrator of Confidi Trentino Imprese.
- From 2019 to 2022: administrator and deputy vice president of Confidi Trentino Imprese.
- Since 2019: member of the communication and development commission of SAT, the Tridentine mountaineers’ society.
- From 2020: president of the communication and development commission of SAT, the Tridentine mountaineers’ society.
- From 2021 to June 20224: administrator of the Trentino Alto Adige Scarl Region Interconsortium Fund.
- From 2021: Partner and Head of Strategy and Commercial Development of Netfruit Srl, an Information Communication Technology and technological innovation consultancy and services company.
- From August 2022: administrator of CAT Trentino Servizi of Confesercenti.
- From August 2022: administrator of Partecipative Confesercenti Srl.
- From September 2022: President of Confesercenti Trentino.
- From 30 June 2023 to July 2024 President of CPI, the provincial coordination of entrepreneurs of the Autonomous Province of Trento (Confesercenti, Confcommercio, Confindustria, Cooperation Trentina, ANCE, Asat Federalberghi, Artisans Association).
- Since September 19, 2023: member of the “Permanent Observatory” for Security in the Province of Trento established by the Government Commissioner for the Province of Trento.